NCC/Scout & Guides
Scouts and Guides is an integral part of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and followed very religiously in KV NFR Maligaon. It helps in building confidence and self-esteem among the students.
They learn important life-skills,team building, outdoor adventure, education and fun. It helps them to explore, to discover the world beyond classroom, and also helps in all round development. Various activities are held throughout the year to develop the feeling of universal brotherhood, compassion & benevolence.In the Bharat Scouts & Guides unit of KV NFR Maligaon there are 192 cubs, 90 scouts, 150 bulbuls and 119 guides and all of them got registered in OYMS Portal of BS&G. 06 students qualified in Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp held at KV NFR Maligaon. 06 scouts 08 guides qualified in Rajya Puraskar Testing camp held at KV Khanapara and KV Rangiya.
23 cubs and 16 bulbuls qualified in Tritiya chararan Testing Camp held at KV NFR Maligaon. Besides that, this vidyalaya celebrated & observed BS&G Flag day, Thinking Day, Cubs & Bulbus Utsav
& many other activities to foster holistic development of students. This program is dedicated to building character, teaching practical life skills, and promoting a sense of community service among the students. This vidyalaya had also conducted Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp-2023 successfully on 13-09-2023 where 121 scouts and 99 guides from different KVs of Guwahati district had participated. 10 cubs and 10 bulbuls attended Cluster Level Cubs and Bulbul utsav held at KV IOC Noonmati. 09 cubs & 07 bulbuls participated in Golden Arrow Testing Camp held at KV CRPF Amerigog. Throughout the year, a variety of activities were conducted, each designed to instill the values of discipline, teamwork, leadership, and compassion.